About Hooman Medicine

Our Mission

Where Concierge & Evidence-Based Medicine Collide With The Most Advanced Technological Innovations

About Hooman Medicine

Hooman Medicine is the national leader in preventive and personalized care in diabetes medical management. Hooman Medicine is built on highest advanced concierge medical service model that allows diabetic patients to have their focused individualized treatment for management of their diabetes. With our limited selective executive patients, our affiliated physicians provide immersive, dedicated comprehensive care and proactively focus on patients’ entire diabetic health continuum. At Hooman Medicine, our patients are our priority receiving personalized 24/7 access to our executive physician providers in regard to their diabetes status, diagnostic studies, wound care dressing changes and their overall treatment as a whole patient.  Hooman Medicine prides itself  in knowing that our selected patients will receive the highest quality of continued diabetic care during their high-end careers and travels.

Dr.Hooman’s Executive Diabetes Health Program continues to strive to be on the cutting edge of diabetes management and research. Hooman Medicine provides individual-based approach and top-quality healthcare from the world-class physicians for patient wellness and longevity.

How A Physician’s Experience As A Patient Revolutionized The Birth Of Hooman Medicine?

During October of 2017, Dr.Hooman was protecting a secret. The protected secret revolved around his fading health. As someone with no past medical or family history, he started suffering from unexplained sudden weight gain, shortness of breath, fever and daily cough. Managing his career and his desperate need to make those around him happy, he powered through his secret illness trying to meet the demands of his position while trying to seek medical help with any physician who could see him after workhours. On the first week of February 2018, despite being a compliant patient for many months, Dr.Hooman collapsed while giving a lecture and woke up at the San Antonio Regional Hospital in Upland , California where he was told he would be dying within the matter of days and his only chance of survival would be his transfer to Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

Despite having the best private insurance that money could buy, Dr.Hooman was wait-listed for a hospital bed at Cedars Sinai Hospital. As few days went by, his hospital physicians at Upland Hospital assured his parents that he would not survive the stay in their hospital. Coming from an affluent and scholar family, Dr.Hooman’s father in a desperate attempt to save his son’s life, made a phone call that led to Dr.Hooman’s same day transfer to Cedar Sinai’s Hospital. Dr.Hooman was given a private room immediately after his arrival and the private room became his home for 28 days. Dr.Hooman was able to leave Cedar Sinai with new lease on life.

Two years later, in the mid of Pandemic, Dr.Hooman finally spoke of his ordeal in a produced documentary about his life called “ Down Came, The Caspian Tiger” which was shot exclusively in Dubai. “My so-called Platinum Private Insurance did not save me nor provided the care I needed; It was my father’s phone call that saved my life. If my private insurance with the highest premium for a guy with no medical history cannot give me the care I needed to save my life, then what is happening to the people in this country who do not have my private insurance ? What is happening to the people in this country whose parents cannot make the phone call to the upper chain of that pyramid ? There were people ahead of me in line for getting the bed in Cedars Sinai. What happened to them ? Did they get their bed? Did they survive ? I think about it all the time. It’s the private pain you see . Feeling ashamed ; Feeling like one of the Titanic survivors; I got on that lifeboat while many did not. There is not a day goes by that I do not think about it. I know how fortunate and blessed I am to be here. Our Healthcare System is a broken system from the roots up and no democratic or republican party can fix this broken system. The only way we can save this disgrace of a Healthcare System  is to take the power away from brainless former frat-boys who are the business CEOs and put that power in the hand of Physicians and Healthcare Providers who actually have gone to Medical Schools, received real Medical education and know what patients actually need“ 

Dr.Hooman believes his concierge model of Hooman Medicine can be used to create a new Universal Healthcare System where patients and their medical treatment will not be influenced by insurance CEOs and politics. A Universal Healthcare System that provides “flat rate” cost for all medications known to men and a “flat rate” for all laboratory and imaging studies in Medicine.


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