Medical Simulation Training

Medical Simulation Training

Hooman Medicine Proudly Provides Support & Sponsorship For Medical Education Of Future Physicians & Healthcare Professionals As Part Of It’s Mission

LEMSA Program

LEMSA standing for Learning Enrichment in Medical & Surgical Anatomy is the First-Registered-Portable Enrichment Program designed for Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental and Pre-Health Professional students who will be applying for their Medical, Dental and Health Professional schools. The program provides intensive surgical foundation in regards to anatomical organs and hosted by prestigious working surgeons and medical school faculties in United States.

This program was founded by Dr.Hooman Mir, DPM, MSc, FAPWCA in Texas during his 2012 Medical Training Program in Clinical Investigation at UT Health Science Center, School of Medicine. Dr.Hooman applied usage of  the “Uber Model” as a form of curriculum delivery for advanced medical training for Pre-Medical and Health Professional students. For more information, please visit the LEMSA official website.


FAST-Clinic , registered and founded by Dr.Hooman Mir, DPM,MSc,FAPWCA stands for Foot & Ankle Simulation Training Clinic where the "Motion"-Innovative PowerPoint Slides combined with 3D technologies ( Virtual Human Cadaver & Simulated VR) , advanced foot /ankle manikins and sawbones-models will provide a comprehensive review of lower extremity anatomy, foot and ankle medicine and pathology reviews.FAST-CLINIC provides multiple rotating stations for different multidisciplinary specialists who focus on Foot and Ankle treatment management from simple fracture to traumatic amputation.


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